We are the king of our life who can take any decision of our life. Our decision will effect the whole of our life segment. Good or Bad our future is depend on what we have done yesterday and mostly by our present activity.

In the near year, we often listen about several of profession or job which is related with wealth/ financial advisers and so on who will give us any suggestion about the way we plan our future especially in financial management. They will guide us relating with managing our cash flow, our balance sheet statement and Income statement. So Not just company which have that kind of report, We do have too…

They will map what our need/expectation in the future. Then ask to us about our income resource and our risk appetite about investation. They will map our need / expectation in several of term such us short, medium and long term. Then they will suggest what kind of investation which is suitable for us.

They are just able to suggest!!!
That is the point that I would like to be bold and underlined as our point of view in this article. So the real actor is actually is ourself. We are Self Accountant..

As Self Accountant, Please answer this question?

Can we manage our money or not ? Will we hard work and plan our financial well ?? Will we discipline to invest or save part of our salary? Will we be wise to use our credit card? What kind of investation product do you have? Do You have covered yourself and your family with assurance? Do You have Your own dream home? Have you plan about your pension fund? Will your income when you have retired is sufficient to cover Your need/ life style and so on??? Do you have provided upredictable fund for your urgent need? Do You have for Your children education?? How often You have travelling with Your beloved family?

All of that question is the whole things that i plan to answer one by one through life financial training. We can learn from every people surrounding us and take a benefit from them to be a good role model for my life.

How about You guys???