Railway of Life

Our Journey is not always full with Joy. The story is always changing and upside down like a roller coaster. Due to God Mercy, always ensure ourself that together with each pain/problem, there is a way/ easiness/ solution/ hikmah. Sometimes pain can make us back to our awareness that The Most Powerfull is Allah SWT. Maybe pains are the way of Him make us back to our Fitrah as Abdi/ hamba/ servant and make us reflect what the objective of our creation are. Not only to pray but also to relay on Him with the whole of His Qudrah and Irodah. Today is the first day Ramadhan month. The Congenial and holy month is cooming to Us. Marhaban ya Ramadhan. We welcome U with joy and hope that Allah blessing and forgiveness will be blossomed in our heart to be better version of ourself time to time. Aamiin.

Happy Ramadhan Month, For everyone who celebrated it. Behalf of myself and my family, I would like to say sorry for any mistake. Success for Ur praying..